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Kits & Guides

Order a Newborn Kit

The National PKU Alliance is proud to offer a welcome kit to help you and your family as you begin to educate yourselves about PKU and how to make it fit into the goals and dreams you have for your child.

Our Newborn Kit include fun items for your baby, items to help with PKU management, and helpful information to guide caregivers through their child’s diagnosis and care.

Request the kit

Request Newborn Kit

"*" indicates required fields

Child's Birthdate

Newborn Kits will ship weekly. Only one per household. Only available to ship in the US.

My PKU Binder

My PKU Binder is a comprehensive manual on effectively managing PKU on a daily basis. These materials offer hundreds of tips, advice and what to do from birth to adulthood both practically and emotionally.

My PKU Binder will help you understand more about PKU, what to expect at different stages in life, and where to turn for support and help.

PKU and the Brain

PKU and the Brain is a summary of key research about PKU and brain function.

The PKU Binder* is a comprehensive manual on how to effectively manage PKU day-to-day. Filled with tips and advice, from birth to adulthood, on practical and emotional levels.

PKU and the Brain* is a summary of key research about PKU and brain function.

*Treatments and guidelines are constantly changing. The PKU Binder and PKU and the Brain do not reflect new treatments and updated guidelines. Visit our treatment section for the latest information. The NPKUA would like to thank BioMarin Pharmaceuticals; Applied Nutrition; Australasian Society for Inborn Errors of Metabolism; and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago for their generosity and expertise in helping to make this project a reality.